sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

Travel to London: the last day

The last day of the trip we had free time. So we go to Nothing Hills Gate where is a market, Portobello.

It's a market where you can buy a lot of different things, things for the kitchen, clothes, there's a part of second hand, etc.

The proble was that the market is the sunday. Although in the same street there was some shops.

And finally, we retirned to the hotel to he hour to take the case. then we went to the airport Stanted and... fly to Spain!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It was fantastic in London :)
I wasn't in Nothing Hill, Anna told me to go there but we forgot it!

Elisenda. dijo...

Yes! It was fantastic =) you can include the massage also, can't you? well, I hope we'll do an other trip at the end of this batxillerat after selectivity... anddd..be happy again all toghether!