sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

A morning with the Astillero!

The Astillero is the boat of my best friend, Michael, and me. We have the boat in a tie of a canal of Empuriabrava. In the summer, we go to the seven o'clock of the morning because the sea was calm. So, we went to the sea, and with a rope and a metal string we made the necessary to do wakeboard!Also, we had a table. And then, one wasputting a brought and a life jacket, and gas thoroughly.
It was very beautiful because the sun was up when we were doing wakeboard.
the wakeboard is a sport a little difficult because it is necessary force in the arms and balance not to fall down. Also it is necessary to have taken care of not falling down badly, because though it is a water, you can break anything.
To can do the wake board of the videos, we need a lot of days of practice, because the more difficult is to get up.
Also, you can see other videos that we did bilgesand other things.

We passed a lot of adventures with this boad!

Wakeboard in front of the sun!

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